Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 9

día ocho: Today (Nov. 9) I am thankful for Amber Brady, the most amazing freshman random roommate and housemate I could ask for :) Happy birthday!
Dear God, thank You so much for creating Amber Brady to be exactly who she is and for placing us in each other's life. I can't count how many roommate horror stories I've heard, & I am only able to tell stories of belly-aching laughs & great conversations. Lord, You showed me even before we met that You had a hand in making us roommates. You placed us both in the Huber Learning Community, then there was such confusion of what dorm we were placed in & we had different roommates, then things were sorted out & You put us together. God, I knew it would be great when we first talked on the phone... for three hours straight. When does that ever happen?! You helped us get along really well from the start, & that hasn't changed. Even the first day together, move-in day, I was able to see how awesome her family is. Thank You for giving me another family to be a member of! They are so thoughtful, caring, & generous, and they show it quite well. Lord, bless that family and cover them in Your abounding love. May they worship You in good times & run to You in bad times. Every day, hold them together and help them display the same love that You give unconditionally. Father, Amber has become a sister to me. You really blessed me a lot by placing her in my life, God... thank You. Thank You for the millions of laughs we have shared, regardless of the time of day or mental state. Thank You for all the ways she has supported me. Thank You for using me in her life. May she know, God, that she holds a really special part of my heart. You have blessed us with a bond that some people may never know (but I hope everyone does). Lord, You have created her to be truly beautiful, inside & out. Thank You for her sincerity, her sense of humor, her passion for those she loves, her love for the Steelers, and so much more. God, I am just overwhelmed with the way You placed us together. Thank You for working through both of us so that she joined our small group freshman year. Thank You for the conversations we shared that revealed some deep parts of ourselves. Lord, thank You for vulnerability, accountability, & confidence in our friendship. I know that I have a true friend for life in Amber. Thank You for blessing us with the opportunity to live together literally every year of our college years. God, be with Amber in her every day joys & sorrows. May she be able to feel Your calming & comforting presence always. She is such an amazing follower of You, Father. Never let her love for You go. Work through her to show many other people Your love. You've done an incredible job using her to show that unfailing love to me. Draw her closer and closer to Yourself each day. There are always more areas in which we can grow, & that is such a cool thing, God. In any stormy season of her life, let her know that You are there. Thank You for blessing her with a community of believers who lover her (thank You for making me part of that community!). God, thank You for the positive way she's impacted my life & for giving me a sister in her. Thank You for making her a huge part of my college experience. Bless our time together when I'm back in January, & bless our time apart now. Lord, thank You for Amber. Amen.

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