Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7

día siete: Today I am thankful for always having a clean, dry, safe place to live.
Good morning, God. Today I want to thank You for the houses You've provided for my family to live in. Accordingly, thank You so much for providing the funds necessary to my parents to purchase the houses. I realize that You have blessed me with so much protection & safety & comfort, and giving me a real home to live in is a huge part of that. You've made every house I've lived in absolutely perfect to fit the needs of my family at that time. The house in Deep Creek was fitting for what we needed as I grew up until age ten, and the house in Great Bridge has been perfect for us ever since. You moved us into more living space, something we've enjoyed. You also moved us into another great school district, which provided an education to Ben & me. Both places we've lived, we've been so incredibly blessed with neighbors... awesome, fun, supportive neighbors. You made it so Ben's best friend lived next door to us in Deep Creek. In Great Bridge, You made it so Courtney & I moved in across the street from each other in the same summer. I was blessed with many babysitting jobs in the neighborhood, especially next door. God, bless those kids & their parents. You've allowed me to see them grow so much, & they really are amazing people. Thank you, God, for giving us neighbors who are supportive through anything & help in any way that they can.

Back to the root of what I'm thankful for today, You have kept me dry from the rain, warm from the cold winter, cool from the hot summer, and comfortable in my bed. There are too many people in this world that can't say they have a shelter like that. They can, however, say they have a god like You, Lord - the one & only provider of unconditional love & eternal life. So some may ask why You don't provide for the homeless people or people without adequate homes. The truth is, You do provide for them - You provide us to them. WE are Your hands & feet in the world. God, rid this world of the ignorance & apathy that fills so many people. Help people uncover a passion of serving & loving those less fortunate than them.
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourself." -Philippians 2:3
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever You did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" -Matthew 25:40
Lord, work through us who have so much to provide for those who have so little. May my constant safety in a house open my eyes to those without that in their grasp. Even at school I have a house that You provided with three awesome housemates. The house is exactly what we need right now, & so are You. We need You always. Use me to show Your love to others, Father. Thank You for giving me all You have given. Bless my house in Great Bridge today, as there is an Open House from 1 to 4. May the people who enter those doors see what a blessing that house has been & what a blessing it can continue to be for their family. Amen.

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