Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 14

día catorce: Today I am thankful for the religious leaders that God has placed in my life (both closeby & far away) to show me more about His love.
Dear heavenly Father, You truly place people in our lives for a reason. You've placed religious leaders in my life for guidance toward You, inspiration, an extra boost of support & faith, and genuine friendship. God, You put my pastors closeby to support me, especially during this tough time that my family is having. God, thank You again for placing me so purposefully in the congregation of GBUMC & on staff this past summer. You have allowed me to grow closer to Danny, Thom, Janet, & Jeff, and in that You've brought me closer to You. I am so honored & blessed to be a part of their lives & have them in mine. Thank You for organizing the lunch today with Ben, Thom, his wife, Danny, & his wife. You blessed us with such a nice time to catch up and enjoy the fellowship & some laughs. Thank You for their sincere concerns & offers to help. God, You have placed such caring & loving individuals in my life. Thank You! Thank You that they teach me more about You than they probably know.

Lord, another kind of religious leader I'd like to thank You for today is the kind that guides me from afar. Thank You so much for Louie Giglio, Andy Stanley, Joel Osteen, Beth Moore, & people of the like. Thank You for blessing them with the gift of teaching about You and teaching about Your Word. Thank You for their great grasp of these gifts and all that they do to employ them for the benefit of others. You have a thing for getting me to listen to the perfect podcasts at the perfect time. Those are Your words spoken through Your children! Thank You for teaching me through such captivating speakers who are so relatable. Someone else who has spoken to me about life is Shane Claiborne. Lord, thank You for showing me his lifestyle as an ordinary radical, living solely for You. Please help me adopt a lifestyle & a love like Shane has. You've blessed me to be caring, God, but I know there is so much more I can do. Shape & mold me to reflect Yourself. Use religious leaders of all sorts to Your glory, God. May people really listen to them & then listen to You as a result. Thank You for those positive examples & leaders & inspirations in my life. Work in me to be a leader of others to You. Amen.

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